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Dear Lyonsville,

As your Stewardship Team, we have some exciting news to share! As we planned how to share that news (stay tuned), we realized that we wanted a bigger celebration. A celebration of our church’s ministry in 2020. There is much to celebrate, truly.

So we are inviting you to contribute to a celebration video for worship on January 24. We will create the sermon together! Can you contribute a brief video or words of celebration to Pastor Sean by Tuesday, January 19?

Here are some prompts that might help:

  • What do you celebrate about our ministry in 2020?
  • How did being part of Lyonsville lift you up this past year?
  • Tell a story about where you encountered God at church this year.

We aren’t looking for polished – we’re looking for real. You can email or text (708-240-3054) videos or words to Pastor Sean, or upload larger files at this link.

(A note from Pastor Sean: I Sean will develop this video based on what is submitted, to help tell the story of what God is up to at Lyonsville today. I might need to pull clips or sections rather than use submissions in full. And, of course, anything you share is on the internet so keep that in mind with what you decide to share. I’m unable to clear these edits with each person in advance, but if you have specific wishes or questions about the use of content you submit, please let me know and we’ll work it out.)

Together, we will celebrate God’s good work among us last year as we look to a new year with faith.